Aurora - a bright and colorful template for a portfolio with a responsive design and working ajax slideshow, video, images portfolio. You can receive all updates for free.
- Fullscreen Static image background
- Fullscreen Parallax background
- Fullscreen Slideshow background
- More then 600 icons
- Ajax Expander Portfolio and Filterable Portfolio
- Slideshow, Video and Images Portfolio
- Twitter Feeds
- Well documented
- Working AJAX contact form
- E-mail validation
- Responsive Layout
- Retina ready Icons
- Google web fonts
- Easily Customizable
- CSS Animation
- Built with Bootstrap 3.3
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
- jQuery Parallax
- Sticky Plugin
- Shuffle
- jQuery Fitvids
- SmoothScroll v0.9.9
- Backstretch - v2.0.4
- GMaps.js v0.4.11
- Google Fonts
- Fontawesome
- Animate.css
- Preload image
- Simple line icons webfont
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